Friday, March 26, 2010

By: Madison, Kelsey, Meaghan, Jarret Group Question

These are some of the reasons that the ancient people of Latin America were portrayed so violently, The penalty for repeated laziness could be death by hanging, stoning, or being pushed off a cliff. They used people as sacrifices and then most of the time after they were done with all of their spiritual stuff they often ate their sacrifices. They used people as sacrifices and then most of the time after they were done with all of their spiritual stuff they often ate their sacrifices. When they sacrifice cut out the heart cook the body. They ritually slaughter animals. Aztecs reported that they sacrificed 84,400 prisoners in over the course of 4 days. One theory that was widely believed was the Meso American diet was lacking protein and that cannibalism of a sacrificial victims was a necessary part of the Aztec diet. The Human Sacrifice is part of the Aztecs religion. The most common human sacrifice was heart extension. I think that they could have chosen something else to sacrifice instead of people. I also think that they should not have sacrificed people. I also think that if they were not to sacrifice people they would not have been portrayed so violently. I think that the human sacrifice is very violent and harmful to me I think it was disgusting that they did that. I think this because mostly the reason that they are portrayed violently because they sacrifice people. I think they are portrayed correctly because i was very disgusted that they sacrificed people and they boiled their bones and ate them. I also think that if they were not to be violent they would not be portrayed like this so then people would take more note of the good things that they have done. The Aztecs invented chocolate, chewing gum, rubber and even discovered the number zero. The number zero greatly and is important in our math system. The Aztecs are great mathematicians. Human sacrifice was a very complex ritual. The sacrificial victims were usually warriors but were sometimes slaves depending upon the god and the needed ritual. If they could not find people that were willing to be sacrificed they would capture small children or even babies, sometimes if they could find a weak enough person they would even sacrifice unwilling people. Those are some of they reasons that the Aztecs are portrayed violently.


Wikipedia; Inca;
Wikipedia; Human sacrifice;
Wikipedia;mythology and religion;
Mr.Biederbeck's slide show

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